Monday, January 10, 2011

Opening a new well

January 9, 2011

Update #3


Perhaps you have noticed the many prophetic ministers that are predicting 2011 as a turbulent year? At the same time, many see the coming year as a time of great Kingdom advancement in many arenas. At present, we are only days into the year, and we are seeing meteorological turmoil, political turmoil and wanton violence such as the killing and wounding of a congresswoman and her staff in Tucson AZ. Many of these events have been described as unprecedented.

It makes me think of the scripture in Isaiah 59:19b, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” For every destructive situation, the Spirit of God has a greater measure of grace.

For some time I have felt the Lord speaking of opening a new well in our nation. In scripture, a river or a well is often figurative for a greater presence of Holy Spirit (John 7:38), and so a well would be a fresh outpouring of the Spirit. I believe the Toronto Blessing was a new well that brought inner healing and renewal to many thousands in Canada and around the world. Once again, it’s time for Canada to open a new well for the nations.

In Genesis 26, we read how Isaac was compelled by the Philistines to leave their country, and as he leaves, he reopens the wells that were dug by his father Abraham. The first well, the Philistines quarrel with Isaac over it’s possession so he calls it Esek, meaning strife. The next well, the same happens and he calls it Sitnah, which means enmity. He moves to dig a new third well and there is no quarrel from the Philistines so he calls it Rehoboth, which means, “the Lord has made room for us”. Isaac ultimately opened three wells that brought benefit to him and his neighbours.

When we experience difficulty and opposition, it is tempting to go back to the places where God opened a well for us, but this isn’t really what He wants. The opposition is there to move us into opening a new well of His presence and grace. In so doing, we are the answer to the enemy’s plans.

We meet every Monday evening with a faithful group for worship and prayer which we call Tephillah. Lately our prayer has been focused on opening a fresh well in our region and for our nation. We believe the purpose of the Unite for Dominion conference in Calgary this month is to prophetically open a new well for our nation.

It is for this reason I believe this conference on January 27-30 is so important. The coming year may bring it’s challenges, but we also need to see the Spirit of the Lord raise up a standard against the enemy’s plans.

There will be high level worship with a cluster of seasoned prophetic leaders that will release all of us to new levels of spiritual insight. You participation will be vital to the fulfilling the purpose of our gathering.

We look forward to seeing you in Calgary at Unite for Dominion 2011.